Friday, 15 June 2012

Business Seminars at Handmade in Bradford

Creative people in the Bradford district will be able to improve their skills and knowledge with free workshops and seminars on Saturday 23rd June.
Handmade in Bradford is hosting a day of activities for craftspeople and designers at its shop in the city centre on Tyrrel Street. There will be workshops on knitting, mastering your sewing machine, printmaking and creative crafting.
There will also be two business seminars for crafters and designers delivered by Jo Whitehead of Artists in Business.  The seminars are aimed at increasing craftpeople's business skills in Selling Their Work Through Retail and Running Workshops from the Studio.  In addition, creative people will be invited to share their experiences of social media marketing with a lunchtime discussion forum. Handmade in Bradford will also be launching a free Crafting Resource Centre where artists and makers can swap art materials and equipment.
Handmade in Bradford is part of Fabric, a registered arts charity that supports artists and creatives.
The event is from 10am to 4pm at Handmade in Bradford, 1 Tyrrel Street Bradford on Saturday 23rd June. For details please email: or call 01274 370291

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